Become a Vendor We’re now accepting vendor applications. To apply, complete the form below. Spaces Available: 1 Price: $200/mo Commission: 12% Last Updated: 12/6/24 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *Business and/or Vendor Namee.g. ABC VintageSocial Media LinksFacebook, Instagram, Etsy, Marketplace, etc.Are you currently in any other local stores?e.g. Vintage Vibe, 3 Little Blackbirds, VB Antique Mall, etc.Phone *Email *What size space are you interested in? *Small SpaceMedium SpaceLarge SpaceAny AvailableWhat do you intend to sell? *Vintage ItemsAntiquesFurnitureThrift StoreOther** Not allowed ** Jewelry, Arts & CraftsHow can we help you?Submit